Saturday, February 9, 2013

Shattered dreams

Have you ever felt certain about a dream only to have it shattered?

I dreamed of living in Colorado.  I felt certain that God had placed Colorado on my heart in preparation for me to move there.  When I began researching graduate schools I looked first to Colorado; a strong application granted me an interview invitation to Regis University in Denver, which I excitedly accepted.  I left my interview with absolute confidence that I would receive my letter of acceptance in one week.  I was so confident of my acceptance and decision to move to Colorado that I started looking for housing options.  So you can imagine my heartbreak and shock when I received a letter of rejection from Regis.  I nearly passed out from crying, typical silly girl reaction, but y’all I was devastated!  The sadness of rejection overwhelmed any joy I may have had from being accepted to two of the top physical therapy programs in the nation, Duke and USC.

I found my prayer journals from 07/08, the year I was applying and interviewing for graduate school.  Please allow me to share an excerpt with you.  “Lord, you are all knowing, all powerful and perfect.  You know the best plan for me.  You will put me exactly where you want me.  Please help me to trust you completely. Put me where I am supposed to be and help me to be content.  Lord, I want to express my desire; I loved the Regis faculty, campus, students, and program.  It felt like the perfect fit.  Please.  My desire is to go to Regis.”  I couldn’t help but laugh when I read the words I had written.  First, I attempted to “butter” God up with flattery and then I behaved like a selfish child, telling Him what to give me!  My reaction to the rejection, tears and hysteria, is a clear display that I didn’t believe the initial words I wrote.

A journal entry one week later read: “Lord, I composed my own plan – Denver.  I didn’t ask, I told you.  I failed to trust.  Your plan is always best.  I have to stop planning, stop wishing, and allow you to give me the most thrilling plan existing.  Right now I have trouble trusting that your plan is better than my own…take my dreams, come give them wings.  Lord, with you there is nothing that I cannot do.”  Thatta girl!

The rejection that I once counted my greatest loss, I now consider my greatest gain.  I PRAISE THE LORD for closing the door to Colorado; it was 100% necessary in order to get me to Duke.  He put me exactly where I was supposed to be.  The rejection from Regis deepened my belief that God is in control of my life and my prayer has changed from “Lord, give me the desire of my heart” to “Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning, for I am trusting you.  Show me where to walk, for I give myself to you.” Psalm 143:8. 

How do you react when a dream is shattered?
  • .     Remind yourself of God’s character; when you don’t understand, when you can’t see his hand, you must trust his heart.  Speak the truths that you know about our Lord and Savior.  You are sovereignly good, you are merciful, you are just, you are faithful, you are loving, you are gracious, you are all powerful, you are mighty, you are all knowing, you are in control, you are perfect, you are truth, you are generous, you are kind, you are compassionate, you are victorious.
  • .     Praise him for he is sovereignly good. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
  • .     Cling to his word, read his promises. Proverbs 3:5 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, but in all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.” 
  • .     Pray boldly.   “Lord, take me where you want me to go, let me meet who you want me to meet, tell me what you want me to say…and keep me out of your way.”

When you encounter heartbreak or rejection, when you lack understanding and feel lost, please remind yourself of whom God is in your life.  He is sovereignly good, He is in complete control, He works in the details, and He is CRAZY IN LOVE WITH YOU!

“God is the only one who see the entire picture, so you’ll want Him putting the pieces of your life together.  Trying to do it on your own is like doing a puzzle with all the pieces flipped over.  Some will seem to fit, but if you could see it from His perspective you’d realize they don’t add up to the intended picture.”

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