Monday, February 25, 2013

Happy and Healthy Monday! Round 2: World's Best Salmon

Stair stepper x 10 minutes at level 10-12
Core: 50 reverse crunches, 20 physio ball tucks, 20 physio ball pikes, 20 long leg physio ball lifts, 20 physio ball roll outs, and 1 minute plank on physio ball w/ circles
Row x 2,000 meters
Core: 50 reverse crunches, 20 ball tucks, 20 ball pikes, 20 long leg ball lifts, 20 ball roll outs, and 1 minute plank on ball w/ circles
Barbell in the corner:
3 rounds: 20 x squat into overhead press w/ 25# added to barbell, 20 x “T” row w/ 25# added to barbell, single arm row into overhead snatch w/ 10# added to barbell x 8 each side, 10 x single leg squat w/ #25 added to barbell. No rest between rounds

“World’s Best (and easiest) Salmon Recipe”
¼ cup pure maple syrup (NOT pancake syrup) or honey
¼ cup soy sauce
2-3 cloves minced garlic
12 ounces of fresh salmon

Combine the first 3 ingredients in a gallon-size Ziploc bag, shake it up, and then add the salmon. Allow to marinate in the refrigerator for an hour, turning after half an hour. Pour the salmon and the marinade into a baking dish and bake in a 350-degree oven, covered with foil, for 15 minutes.   Once the weather warms up I will most definitely be using the grill, not the oven.  The salmon is done when it flakes easily at the thickest part. Enjoy!
Side dishes:
Alongside the salmon I served kale chips and roasted broccoli.  To prepare kale and broccoli, wash thoroughly, remove kale stems, and place on a baking sheet.  Pour olive oil atop the green vegetables so it is lightly covered, sprinkle with fresh minced garlic and garlic salt.  Bake broccoli at 450 degrees for 16-20 minutes, check the kale for crispy perfection, I removed the kale around 10 minutes.  

Y'all, I just finished eating this meal...and goodness gracious it was DELICIOUS!!!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Self TLC

Friday was rainy. Friday was long.  Friday was exhausting.  Friday was actually my “Thursday” due to working a 6-day week.  What I needed most was a cozy, restful, refreshing, peaceful Friday night. 

My plan:  Make grilled cheese and tomato soup.  Enjoy a glass of wine with dark chocolate.  Catch up on The Bachelor.  Perform a coconut oil hair treatment.  Paint my nails a sassy color.  Listen to Michael Buble in a bubble bath.  Fall asleep in fuzzy socks while listening to the rain.

 Rain makes me crave grilled cheese and tomato soup.  I make a mean grilled cheese.  These are the words of my college roommate a couple months back…“I CRAVE your grilled cheese. And it's true Parker and I have tried to recreate your most delightful ooey gooey deliciousness several times. Nothing like YOURS tho.”  I’m going to share my grilled cheese secret with y’all so that all may enjoy this rainy day special, but you must promise to share a sandwich with a friend or two.

The bread is the most important part of the sandwich; I use sourdough bread.  I’m a bit of a cheese snob, kraft singles are not allowed near my grilled cheese, I use fresh cut sharp cheddar. 
Start by buttering the outside of the bread, lightly dust the buttered half with garlic salt, then sprinkle parmesan cheese on top of the salt.  Place the buttered half down in a heated skillet on the stovetop.  Unfortunately I cannot provide you with specific instructions on how long until you must flip the bread, too many variables exist, but the best way to make sure you get the perfect “grill” is to keep an eye on it.  Once both sides have been toasted, remove from pan and serve with Trader Joe’s Organic Creamy Tomato Soup. 

This cold, dry winter weather not only dries out my skin, but wrecks havoc on my long locks!  A friend informed me that coconut oil could be used as a moisture treatment for dry brittle hair; I adore the smell of coconut, so I figured it was worth a try.  I used Trader Joe’s Organic Virgin Coconut Oil.  I applied a large handful to my hair, massaging root to ends until my hair was completely saturated, then I twisted my hair into a large bun.  Instructions found online ( read to let oil sit for a minimum of 30 minutes without heat or 15-minutes with use of a blow dryer.  I opted for the non-heat option so I could enjoy The Bachelor in peace.  After an hour I washed the oil out, it was necessary for me to shampoo my hair 3 times to remove all the oil.  This is definitely a treatment I will continue to perform, my hair was so shiny and I received compliments about my hair from every patient I treated on Saturday.

As I was about to turn out the lights the Lord blessed me with a phone call from a friend who was in desperate need of encouragement, oddly enough the words I spoke were exactly what my heart needed to hear too (more to come on this topic soon!).

O' what a sparkly night <3


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Sky is God's Canvas

One of my favorite things is escaping the hustle and “buzz”tle of my busy bee lifestyle to sit in awe of God’s artistic creativity, watching Him paint colors across the sky.  I marvel at His craftsmanship, His power, His might, yet His gentle touch and eye for detail when I watch a sunrise or sunset. 

When is the last time you watched a sunrise or sunset?  Glancing out your window as you drive on by and say aloud “oh look, that’s pretty,” doesn’t count.  I mean truly make an effort; set an alarm, wake early, drive to a viewpoint, and watch minute-by-minute the transformation from darkness to light.

I asked several friends to send me pictures they took of God’s creation, I hope you enjoy these stunning pictures and I hope they inspire you to marvel at the beauty that surrounds you!

Genesis 1:1,31a “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth… And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.”

Psalm 104: 24-25 “How many are your works, O Lord! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures. There is the sea, vast and spacious, teeming with creatures beyond number-living things both large and small.”

Psalm 95: 3-5 “For the Lord is the great God, the great King above all gods. In his hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to him. The sea is his, for he made it, and his hands formed the dry land."

Psalm 33:5-6 “He loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of the steadfast love of the LORD. By the word of the LORD the heavens were made, and all their host by the breath of his mouth.” 

Nehemiah 9:6 “You are the only Lord. You made the heavens, even the highest heavens, with all the stars. You made the earth and everything on it, the seas and everything in them; you give life to everything. The heavenly army worships you.”

Psalm 19: 1-4 “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where his or her voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.”

Shining for Him,

Monday, February 18, 2013

Happy and Healthy Monday! Round 1: Salmon Asparagus Salad

A butt bustin’ workout followed by a delicious meal are two of my favorite things! Allow me to share a workout that will get your heart racing and a delicious meal to fill your stomach! 

Today’s workout:
3 x 800m repeats at 6-minute mile pace w/ 1-minute rest in between each interval
4 rounds: 1 minute = 20 seconds jump lunges, 20 second alternating side to side lunges, 20 seconds jump squats – 30 seconds rest
3 rounds: 10 box jumps on to 30” box, single leg explosion from 30” box, handstand against wall (trying not to rely on wall) for 15 second hold
3 rounds: 20 squats (weight is as follows 1st – @ 80% of body weight, 2nd – @ body weight, and 3rd – @ 1.2 body weight), 8 dead hang pull ups, 2-minute forward plank

Season’s Salmon Salad – named after my best friend who introduced me to this tasty dish
·       1 bag Butter lettuce
·       1 bunch of fresh asparagus
·       2 Salmon filets
·       1 clove of Garlic (minced)
·       Parmesan cheese (optional)
·       Blackened seasoning – I use Chef Han's Louisiana Blackened Fish Seasoning
·       2 tablespoons butter

Salad dressing
·       ½ cup Olive oil
·       2 ½ Tablespoons red wine vinegar
·       2 teaspoons Dijon mustard (I prefer whole grain Dijon garlic mustard – YUM!)
·       1-2 cloves garlic (minced)
·       salt and pepper to taste

Preparation: Clean asparagus and lettuce.  Cut asparagus spears into 1 ½ - 2 inch pieces.
Heat sauté pans on stovetop.  Add a tablespoon of butter, a teaspoon of garlic, and asparagus to pan – cook until asparagus begins to brown.

Season both sides of the salmon filet w/ blackened seasoning until covered to your preference.  Put 1 tablespoon of butter into pan w/ salmon filets.  I have taken the liberty of adding more butter on several occasions to keep more moisture in the pan.

Combine olive oil, red wine vinegar, Dijon mustard, 1 tablespoon minced garlic (I love garlic, so I normally add a little more), and salt and pepper to taste.  Mix thoroughly by whisking or shaking in a closed container.

Create a bed of lettuce, sprinkle with roasted asparagus and Parmesan cheese, lay salmon filet on top and generously add dressing.  This salad is crazy good!!

Enjoy and Happy President’s Day y’all!