Thursday, August 13, 2015

Waiting On The Lord

How precious is The Lord's provision.  He generously gives us what we need, but often we encounter the conflict of what we want verses what we truly need.  Our wants are self developed, our needs are seen by The Lord.  When what we so strongly yearn for is left unfulfilled, we experience pain of broken expectations.  My prayer remains that our vision would not be clouded by tears, but would be through the lens of perspective of what The Lord is teaching us through our pain.  My encouragement is to transform your test into your testimony, do not allow your pain to be wasted.   

I don't count it a coincidence that on multiple occasions when I'm in the midst of a trial The Lord provides me with a friend, new or old, this friend is going through or has recently gone through the exact struggle I face.  It is through this friend I am blessed with wisdom and encouragement.  It reminds me of the Biblical story of Mary and Elizabeth...both women found themselves pregnant by The Lord's supernatural provision and faithfulness.  Having never been pregnant I can't say I understand the physical and emotional changes that occur, but I have witnessed it and it certainly doesn't look easy.  How incredible for God to give Mary and Elizabeth the support of each other, for Elizabeth to look to Mary and say "Sister, I know how you feel."   

I have been in a stage of waiting for years, waiting for my husband (refer back to previous posts for more details).  Through the years I have experienced friends who are in the same stage of waiting and what a beautiful gift it is to pray together and soak up The Lord's truth.  Even more beautiful is to celebrate the fulfillment of His promises.  I am honored that my best friend, Tanya English (pictured below), has decided to share her story of waiting with y'all.  Below are Tanya’s words. 

"Waiting On The Lord" 

We live in a world that doesn't know what it means to wait.  The generation I grew up in seldom here's the word "No," we focus on being faster, our goal remains to decrease our wait time.  We thrive on immediate gratification.  We live in a society where if something is broke, we don't fix it, we upgrade to the next latest and greatest.  You can't afford something?  That's okay, just put it on a credit card.  We fill ourselves up with things, but leave the inside empty.  It's hard to live in this world and not let it taint you with its ideas of what happiness means.  We are constantly being programmed that the more you have and the quicker you can get it, the happier you will be.  I have learned, that can’t be further from the truth! 

Waiting rips control from your grasp, it is uncomfortable and scary.  In this world of immediate gratification we find ourselves asking, why should or would we wait? 

I have experienced periods of “waiting,” but never to the point where my heart truly ached.  Not until I decided to have a baby.  Everything had aligned perfectly; I was married, we had just purchased a house with extra rooms for children, and we were both employed with good benefits.  It seemed natural…first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby in the baby carriage.   I was just about to turn 26…operation baby was put in place.

In May 2013, I stopped birth control and found myself pregnant after only 3 months of trying, Woo Hoo!  The day we signed papers as new homeowners, we found out we were pregnant.  I was in awe of His perfect timing! In my prayers, I even "requested" that I get pregnant in July or August, (and this was July).  I excitedly told family and close friends.  My celebration quickly halted when I begin spotting only two weeks later.  This made absolutely no sense.  How could my prayers been so wrong?  I felt The Lord had answered my prayers, and then that joy was quickly ripped away, almost as if I was being teased.  This was one of the biggest disappointments I had experienced and the pain went deep.    

Six months later, which felt like eternity (Jan 2014), we found out we were pregnant again!  I was confident God would see this one to fruition!  I got an early ultrasound and blood work; everything looked great!  This time I only told a handful of people, obviously afraid of the worst.  I did my best to relax and trust that God was in control.  I held on to the verse "There is no fear in love, for perfect love casts out fear.  For fear has to do with punishment, and the one who fears is not made perfect in love." (1 John 4:18)  At exactly 9 weeks to the day, I began to spot.  The pain of my first miscarriage fell upon me.  I fearfully denied the possibility of a second.  I couldn’t be miscarrying again!  I tried to rationalize this pain with presenting the reasons why I should receive the desire of my heart - I'm healthy, we are good people, we did things right… we didn’t deserve what we were receiving.  Well sure enough, it was not implantation spotting as I had hoped, I was going through another loss. 

I found myself in a pit of despair.  I was hurt.  The desire of my heart was left unfulfilled and in its place was left pain, loss, hurt, and frustration.  I was mad.  Disappointed.  I thought, is this really God's plan?  How can this be his plan?  I thought he wanted to bless us? The year following, I did my best to remain hopeful and confident, but there were often days I felt defeated.  As each month went by, I often wondered what was wrong with me and was mad at my body for failing me.  I reached out to friends who had been through similar losses and was determined to use these experiences to strengthen my relationship with God.  I found a podcast that spoke deeply to me called "Shattered Dreams."  I found peace in knowing I wasn't alone in my heartache and that God really was right beside me, I found myself reciting these sweet words - "The Lord is close to those who are broken hearted, he rescues those whose spirits are crushed."  Psalm 34:18.   

One year later (March 2015), I awoke at 3:30am with an intense urge to take a pregnancy test.  I peed on the stick, much like I had for the umpteenth time, and I walked away.  Pregnancy tests seemed more like tests of my patience.  Pregnancy tests were like riding an emotional roller coaster, excitement and hope at the possibility, and pain and disappointment when it again reads negative.  At my first glance at the pregnancy test I thought, of course, not pregnant again…but then I realized I read the test incorrectly and I was in fact pregnant!  I stared in the mirror and didn't know whether to laugh or cry.  I went out on the couch in the living room and began praying.  Two hours later, my husband awoke and I told him the news.  With tears rolling down his eyes, He said, "See, I told you! This is IT!"  He knelt to kiss my stomach, his loving action broke my heart, wondering if this time would be successful.  As much as I wanted to believe those words, my heart still had a brick wall surrounding it.  The thought of going through a third miscarriage plagued me and made me ill. 

When I reflect upon my losses I find myself wondering - what God was saving me from through my losses?  Or what was he saving me to?  Was my body not ready to bear children?  Was not ready to have children?  We often forget to thank God for what we are NOT experiencing.  Trusting him to provide our every need when we need them, not when we want them.  I prayed often that He would replace the empty feeling inside of me with more of Him, and He faithfully did.  He was also faithful to use my pain, he brought people into my life that needed to hear my story.  My pain brought me wisdom and I was able to encourage and provide hope from a new platform – I was able to do more than sympathize, I was able to empathize.  I slowly learned that this was my testimony to share and God wanted to use me, how incredible!  More than anything, I wanted God to look proudly upon me for I have turned ashes to beauty and am an example of his faithfulness.                                               

I write my story being 24.5 weeks pregnant and doing GREAT!  At the gender reveal party we learned we are having a girl, she will be named Emma Grace.  Emma has no specific meaning to me, I have always just loved the name.  Grace means unmerited favor.  It's receiving something even when you don't deserve it.  She is not only a gift from God, but a product of love and patience.  She is something that we had to work hard for and will always be worth the wait.        

I feel so blessed that I am getting to experience being pregnant and the joy it brings.  My fears have slowly faded away for I trust that God is in control and has always had a plan better than mine.  I have learned that waiting isn't to torture, but instead surrender to receive a greater plan.  I know God has always wanted to bless us, and even in my pain, he blessed me with wisdom, encouragement, and hope.  

I pray that if anyone who is reading this and is in a stage of waiting that you find hope in my journey from a desert to the promise land.  May you find hope from the testimony of the Lord’s faithfulness and provision.  May you trust in his timing.  I know it's hard when it seems everyone around you falls pregnant "Oh I wasn't even trying!" and how much that stings.  Or when you have been to your 10th baby shower and kids birthday party.   You want so much to bring your own little one with you or have someone rub your belly!  Or buy cute maternity clothes and feel like you’re glowing.  I pray you be patient and expectant in your waiting, for The Lord is good.  "Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill His promises to her!"  Luke 1:45 

Amen sissy!