Friday, January 31, 2014

Princess in Waiting

The inspiration for this post developed from a conversation with a dear friend, she said, “I’m tired of waiting; I’m growing impatient.” My friend was referring to waiting for her future husband, but this concept of waiting is something we all encounter - relationally, professionally, academically, etc.
I combatted her sassy statement with this analogy. 
A little girl approaches her father “Daddy, will you please take me to Disneyland tomorrow?”
Daddy is wise, he knows how special this day is for his daughter, he also knows tomorrow is supposed to be a thunder storm, and although he could afford to purchase a ticket (and only that) he recognizes that the experience would fall short of what his daughter has dreamt of. 
He replies, “My precious girl, yes, I’ll take you.  I’d be thrilled to take you, but you’re going to have to wait.”
Upon hearing the word “wait” she hangs her head, sniffles holding back tears, and shuffles away to hide in her room.
The sympathetic heart of her father breaks when he sees her devastated look, BUT in his wisdom he know that waiting will provide her with more than she could have imagined.  If he ignored his wisdom and took her tomorrow, she'd surely be disappointed and soaking wet.  If he told her of his grand plans he'd ruin the element of surprise.  Her father's word "wait" is a promise of great things to come.  Her father sees her Disney request as an opportunity to spoil his sweet girl, to show her how great his love is for her; if the day was just about fulfilling a request he could hand her a ticket and drop her off at the gates, but he wants to make it a day she remembers forever.  He wants to be able to afford to take all of her friends, to buy her a princess dress and a tiara, provide her with VIP access to all the lines, have all meals shared with her favorite princesses, afford any treat she desires, have her ride on the princess float in the parade, and have her name written in the sky during the fireworks show.  He wants to surprise her, he wants to bless her, he wants to provide her with the very best, he wants to partake in her joyful squeals, he wants to do all this because he is HER daddy and he loves her so.

Doesn’t our anticipation while waiting increase our appreciation upon receiving?  When you are forced to wait, your desire intensifies, when that desires is satisfied you are overwhelmed with thanksgiving and treasure it even more.

“MGBYAKYAMHLSUY.  ILYM.”  That gibberish is a regular text message I receive from my dad (yes, I understand the entire abbreviation).  “ILYM = I love you most,” he constantly tells me how much he loves me, but greater than his words are his actions.  When I was in the 3rd grade I was adamant that I was to be Princess Jasmine for Halloween, the costume wasn’t available in stores, so my father sewed one for me (refer to the right for photo evidence).  My sister and I wanted a playhouse, my father built us the sickest playhouse in all the neighborhood – 20 feet in the air, switch back stairs leading to the entrance, electricity, carpet, the works.  My father loves to make his children feel special; I awoke one morning to white ice skates by the door…and a homemade ice skating rink in the back yard.  He is my #1 fan/cheerleader, this man flew to Kentucky six times throughout my collegiate athletic career, never missed a National race.  He has lost countless hours of sleep editing my papers the night before they are to be submitted – my poor time management cost him sleep so that I could sleep.  My National Physical Therapy board exam was 4 hours in length – my father spent 4 hours on his knees praying for me!  I’m 28 and I still call my dad when I encounter a problem – October 2013, I felt overwhelmed with life, I was training for my first figure competition, packing to move out of my apartment, but hadn’t found a new place, and due to work and other commitments I was waking at 6am and returning home after 9pm.  I was completely exhausted – y’all know those days when you’re certain you’d cry over spilt milk – it was one of those.  I called Dad to ask for guidance and during our conversation I said, “it is times such as these I wish I lived closer to my family.”  Dad replied “I wish that too, but go to bed sweetie, things will be better in the morning.”  I cried “No things won’t be better, because I still won’t be packed.”  I awoke the next morning and much to my surprise a flight itinerary sat in my e-mail inbox with a note from my father “pick me up tomorrow night.”  Y’all, my father flew out for a week to pack my entire apartment and help complete my entire to-do list.  No doubt about it, my daddy loves me!

It is difficult for me to comprehend a greater love than what I’ve received from my parents, but God’s word claims He loves me most.   I am content to wait for what he has planned because I know, just like my daddy, He is going to WOW me.  “Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.” (Ephesians 3:20)

Sparkle while you wait,

Here is a little encouragement for those finding themselves in a period of waiting.  I recommend reading this poem aloud – yes, Dr. Seuss style.

Desperately, helplessly, longingly, I cried: 
Quietly, patiently, lovingly God replied.
I pled and I wept for a clue to my fate,
and the Master so gently said, "Child, you must wait".

"Wait? You say, wait!," my indignant reply.
"Lord, I need answers, I need to know why!
Is your hand shortened? Or have you not heard?
By Faith, I have asked, and am claiming your Word.

My future and all to which I can relate,
hangs in the balance, and YOU tell me to WAIT?
I'm needing a 'yes', a go-ahead sign,
or even a 'no' to which I can resign.

And Lord, You promised that if we believe
we need but to ask, and we shall receive.
Lord, I've been asking, and this is my cry:
I'm weary of asking! I need a reply!"

Then quietly, softly, I learned of my fate,
As my Master replied once again, "You must wait."
So I slumped in my chair, defeated and taut,
and grumbled to God, "So, I'm waiting...for what?"

He seemed, then, to kneel, and His eyes wept with mine,
and He tenderly said, "I could give you a sign.
I could shake the heavens, and darken the sun.
I could raise the dead, and cause mountains to run.

All you seek I could give, and pleased you would be.
You would have what you want - But, you wouldn't know Me."
"You'd not know the depth of My love for each saint;
You'd not know the power that I give to the faint;

You'd not learn to see through the clouds of despair;
You'd not learn to trust just by knowing I'm there;
You'd not know the joy of resting in Me
When darkness and silence were all you could see."

"You'd never experience that fullness of love
as the peace of My Spirit descends like a dove;
You'd know that I give and I save...(for a start),
But you'd not know the depth of the beat of My heart.

"The glow of My comfort late into the night,
The faith that I give when you walk without sight.
The depth that's beyond getting just what you asked
of an infinite God, who makes what you have LAST."

"You'd never know, should your pain quickly flee,
What it means that "My grace is sufficient for Thee."
"Yes, your dreams for your loved one overnight would come true.
But, oh, the loss! If I lost what I'm doing in you!

So, be silent, My Child, and in time you will see,
that the greatest of
gifts is to get to know Me."
"And though often My answers seem terribly late.
My most precious answer of all is still, 'WAIT'."

Author: Russell Kelfer

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Crazy for Protein Pancakes!

Start your morning STRONG with one of these delicious protein pancake recipes! 

1. Simple! (Credit to @kaliforndee for sharing)

  • ½ cup oats
  • 4 egg whites
  • 8 drops liquid stevia
  • Cinnamon

This can be accomplished one of two ways: 1. Process the 1/2 cup of oats into oat flour OR combine all ingredients into a blender, mix thoroughly (I like the texture of oats in my pancake).
Pour into non-stick pan that has been pre-heated to medium heat.
Top with berries or chopped apples with cinnamon and/or sugar free syrup.

    2. Banana Chocolate Chip
    • 1 ripe banana
    • 1 scoop vanilla whey protein powder
    • 1/3 cup egg whites
    • 2 tablespoons ground flaxseed
    • 2 handfuls oats (Optional, I just add for texture)
    • Heaping dash of cinnamon
    • Dash of vanilla extract
    Smash the banana to a mush.  Combine the remaining ingredients and mix thoroughly.  Pour into non-stick pan that has been pre-heated to medium heat.
    Top with peanut butter and sugar free syrup.
    Tip: It never hurts to toss a couple chocolate chips into the batter.

    3. Vanilla Cake
    • ¾ cup oats
    • ½ cup almond milk
    • 1 large egg
    • 2 egg whites
    • 1 scoop vanilla whey protein powder
    • 2 tsp Greek yogurt
    • 1 tsp baking powder
    • ½ tsp cinnamon (I used more because I love cinnamon)
    Combine ingredients in a blender, mix until smooth.  Pour batter into a hot skilled or griddle.  Flip one bubbles form on top.

    • ½ cup Greek yogurt
    • ½ scoop vanilla whey protein
    • Cinnamon
    Mix frosting ingredients together until well combined.  Pour on top of warm pancakes.  Dust with rainbow sprinkles.

    4.  Pumpkin 
    • 1/3 cup organic canned pumpkin puree
    • ½ tsp vanilla extract
    • 1 serving vanilla whey protein powder (this equaled 2 scoops for me)
    • 2 egg whites
    • ¼ tsp cinnamon
    • ¼ tsp pumpkin pie spice

    Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl.  If the mixture appears too dry to sticky, or if you prefer a wetter batter, just add a dash more pumpkin puree to the mix.
    Put a nonstick pan on the burner at medium heat.  Once the pan is hot, pour batter into your desired pancake shape.
    Flip the pancakes once small bubbles begin to form.
    Top with sugar free maple syrup and cinnamon!


    Saturday, January 25, 2014

    Protected, Not Rejected

    To reject:
    a :  to refuse to accept, consider, submit to, take for some purpose, or use 
    b :  to refuse to hear, receive, or admit 
    c :  to refuse as lover or spouse

    Have you ever-encountered rejection?  Rejection by a crush, a job, a school …I’m raising my hand to all three. 

    Rejection hurts, no one likes to realize they weren’t the ideal candidate [to date, for the job, to represent their desired school].  BUT rejection doesn’t alter your worth, no truly, it doesn’t!  Someone choosing not to accept you doesn’t mean you’re any less beautiful, any less intelligent, or any less worthy.  Rejection by man is acceptance of faith that God will provide greater than you were attempting to settle for. 

    When approaching dating one of my dear friends encouraged me to pray, “Lord, I want the blessings you've created for me.  I want the relationship you have for me, if this relationship isn’t of you, I ask that you guard my heart, give me wisdom, and direct my heart (and his too!).  I want the man you have for me, I will wait upon you.  I want your blessings, I pick your desires over my own.”  I promise you – God is SO faithful because I have stories about guys in hot pursuit, asking me out, me praying the prayer above, and never hearing from them.  BUT I don’t view this as rejection, I see this is PROTECTION!!  I prayed for God to guard my heart, I prayed for protection, but that doesn’t mean I got to select the warfare.  Wouldn’t it be nice if we always got to be the one to say no or the one to initiate the break up?  Rejection stings less when you understand that the God of the universe can open any door, close any door, sees the future, knows me completely, knows exactly what I need, has unlimited resources to meet my needs, always provides, and loves to bless me.  

    The difference in approaching rejection with hope and eager anticipation of a greater gift compared to tears and sorrow, this altered perspective lies within your foundation.  What you build your life around will determine how you deal with rejection; self worth based upon other’s thoughts of you will lead to heartbreak because humans are fickle; look to fashion and diet trends and you’ll be unable to argue otherwise.  Every day is a reminder of change; the sun rises, our bodies age/grown, the seasons change, society transforms, the sun sets.  In an ever-changing world I seek a solid foundation; the ONLY constant in my life is Christ.
    • "Whatever is good and perfect comes to us from God above, who created all heaven's lights. Unlike them, He NEVER CHANGES like shifting shadows" (James 1:17).
    • "The Lord's plans stand firm forever; His intentions can never be shaken" (Psalm 33:11).
    • "The grass withers, and the flowers fade, but the word of our God stands forever" (Isaiah 40:8).
    • "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever" (Hebrews 13:8).

    Have y’all heard the parable of the man who built his house on the sand?  Let me sing it to you Sunday School style because that is how I remember it:

    The wise man built his house upon the rock, The wise man built his house upon the rock, The wise man built his house upon the rock, And the rain came tumbling down.

    And the rain came down and the floods came up, The rain came down and the floods came up, The rain came down and the floods came up, And the house on the rock stood firm.

    The foolish man built his house upon the sand, The foolish man built his house upon the sand, The foolish man built his house upon the sand, And the rain came tumbling down.

    And the rain came down and the floods came up, The rain came down and the floods came up, The rain came down and the floods came up, And the house on the sand fell flat.

    Rock = solid = constant = God.  Sand = flimsy = ever changing based upon an exterior force.  A foundation on Christ teaches me that regardless of what happens I know I am loved, I know I am treasured, I know I am protected, I know provision awaits, I know He is in control, but above all I know my Lord is victorious. This knowledge provides me constant peace.
    • Better in His perfect hands, than with my imperfection.
    • Better to be transformed thru pain.
    • Better to trust His character
    • Better to cry for a week than tears for years.
    • Better rejected to be protected.
    • Better a greater man with the greatest plan.
    • Better a bruise to my pride than a break to my heart.
    • Better pain today for thankfulness tomorrow.
    • Better a lesson learned with one that wasn’t meant for me.
    • Better a prepared heart waiting with wisdom.
    • Better to trust His promises than my flawed perspective.
    Shining in His light. Q.

    Thursday, January 16, 2014

    13 Lessons Learned in 2013

    1. Bloom where you’re planted.
    Regardless of the situation, of the difficulties encountered, of the unmet expectations – consider it an opportunity to THRIVE.  The Lord put you exactly where HE wants you (Jeremiah 29:11), He placed you there for a specific purpose, and the best way to give Him thanks is to glorify Him with your attitude and with your actions.  Trust in God’s goodness and grace for He is incredibly in love with you (Psalm 139).  

    2. Blur the line between work and play.
    DO WHAT YOU LOVE!  Combine your passions and strengths and you’ll LOVE WHAT YOU DO!!

    3. Sometimes God doesn’t change your situation because he’s trying to change your heart.
    In 2013 I caught 2 of the bouquets of the 5/10 weddings I attended, but this in no way altered my relationship status; I remain single.  As stated in a previous blog posting: An expert is someone who has a comprehensive and authoritative knowledge in a particular area.  I’m 28, have been a bridesmaid 12 times, invited to well over 50 weddings, my longest relationship is 7 months, and I’ve yet to fall in love.  With my amount of experience I consider myself an expert on being a single lady.  2013 taught me to not only embrace my singleness, but to offer thanks for it too!  Embracing singleness doesn’t mean my desire to be married no longer exists, it means trusting that God will provide EVERYTHING I need.  I refuse to be in a stage of life wishing it away or coveting what others have.  I love attending weddings, not only because I get to dress up, sip champagne, dine on delicious foods, and dance the night away, but it remains a beautiful reminder of God “WOWing” us.  I have faith the day will come when God will surprise me with a love greater than I could have ever dreamed or imagined, but until that day I will enjoy the excitement, freedom, and adventure of singleness. 

    4. The pursuit is the reward.
    In 2013 I accepted the challenge of training for and competing in a figure competition.  It was an adventure I had considered, as well as quickly dismissed after the first stranger approached me in the gym and encouraged me to compete. I found myself preparing reasons as to why I shouldn’t/couldn’t/didn’t want to, but eventually I thought, “If you never try, you’ll never know.”  My goal was to make it to the stage; it was my coach who implanted the thought that I could win. Three months of: no chips (this girl LOVES her chips!), no ice cream, no alcohol, no eating the treats patients would bring to me, waking early for morning steady cardio (boring), giving up my daily long runs, meal prepping on vacation, having to decline social activities that resolved around food and beverage to avoid temptation, bachelorette parties as DD; BUT for what I “gave up” I received an even greater blessing of discipline, dedication, determination, perseverance, and an insane work ethic.  To me, the journey to the stage meant more than the trophy awarded.

    5. Keep growing.
    Accept challenges.  Take risks.  Learn a new skill.  Venture into unfamiliar territory.  Write your goals down, define a time line, perform the appropriate research, share your goals for accountability, keep company that supports/encourages you, avoid company that tempts you to become distracted from your goal, practice consistently, do not become distracted by a bump in the road, believe in yourself, keep firm faith that ALL things are possible, persevere, achieve, and CELEBRATE!

    6. Create your own happy hour.
    What makes you happy?  Write it down.  When you’re feeling blue just pick something from the list and DO IT, seriously JUST DO IT.  List items can include: singing at the top of your lungs while driving with the windows down and the stereo up, dancing to 80s music, lying in a bubble bath while sipping on some bubbly, getting a pedicure, running as fast as you can, lifting heavy weights, going ice blocking.  One item that should be included on everyone’s happy list is helping others, because it is impossible to throw a pity party when both your hands are already occupied with serving someone else.

    7. Trust without knowing the answers.
    “Faith don't come in a bushel basket, Missy. It comes one step at a time. Decide to trust Him for one little thing today, and before you know it, you find out He's so trustworthy you be putting your whole life in His hands.” - Lynn Austin
    I don’t need to know what the future holds, because I know who holds the future.  When I don’t understand, when I can’t see His hand, I’ve learned to trust His heart.  My knowledge of God’s character provides me with peace while I trust; God is gracious, generous, faithful, merciful, mighty, victorious, all powerful, all knowing, and loves me more than I can comprehend – it is because of this knowledge I trust His way over my own.
    “Trust is not a passive state of mind. It is a vigorous act of the soul by which we choose to lay hold on the promises of God and cling to them despite the adversity that at times seeks to overwhelms us.” - Jerry Bridges

    8. Prepare to be WOW’d.
    To you, a situation may appear impossible, but God thrives on the “impossible” for that is when His power, might, goodness, and grace can be displayed.  God approaches those “impossible” situations with solutions that will glorify Him.  Prime example is the story of Sarah (look it up!)
    God is all-powerful; He has infinite resources and His creativity never lacks. He has access to the best!  God is all knowing; He knows what is best for you!  God is crazy in love with you, HE WANTS TO GIVE YOU THE BEST!  God does NOT withhold greatness and blessings from you!  He is in complete control!  When I reflect upon where I currently am I see His provision, His blessings, His faithfulness, and His creativity used in getting me exactly where I need to be.  Y'all, he just loves to WOW us!

    9. Surround yourself with greatness.
    My BFFs are driven, hard working, multi-talented, intelligent, hilarious, CONFIDENT, loving, optimistic, thoughtful, selfless, WISE beyond measure, crazy fun, BEAUTIFUL (inside and out) Godly women.  If I’m overwhelmed/stressed/struggling or have encountered hardship my friends are at my doorstep, literally, I have found them sitting outside my door; they are consistent.  They overflow with encouragement, possess the ability to identify all silver linings, constantly speak truth, and lift all concerns up in prayer.  You will become like the company you keep; select wisely! 

    10. Thank God for unanswered prayers.
    Imagine how differently we would fashion our prayers if we saw what God sees and knew what he knows.  Keep faith and believe, for there isn’t a door He can’t open, there isn’t a door He can’t close.  I’m calling one of my favorite country artists, Garth Brooks, for back up - “Sometimes I thank God for unanswered prayers, Remember when you’re talkin’ to the man upstairs, That just because he doesn’t answer doesn’t mean he don’t care, Some of God’s greatest gifts are unanswered prayers.”  God is making things happen for you even when you don’t see it, even when you can’t feel it, even if its not evident, God is working on your prayers.  “Perhaps it takes a purer faith to praise God for unrealized blessings than for those we once enjoyed or those we enjoy now.” - A.W. Tozer CAN I GET AN AMEN?!

    11. Leave a trail of glitter.
    How do others see you?  When the thought of you enters someone’s mind are you viewed in a positive or negative light?  What do you want your legacy to be?  I want to leave a trail of glitter; I want my actions to shine to display the love and grace I have received from my Lord and Savior.  Sprinkle glitter by helping selflessly, being responsible for someone’s smile, generosity of time and resources, praying for others, surprising a friend or stranger with a treat…be crazy and creative with your glitter. 
    “We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.  We are all meant to shine.” –Marianne Williamson

    12. The best things in life are free
    Play outside.  Go for a run.  Jump in a lake, a river, an ocean.  Take a nap under a tree.  Climb a tree.  Climb a mountain.  Do cartwheels in a park.  Laugh until you cry.  Share a hug, squeeze tightly.  Catch a lizard, give it a name.  Soak up the sun.  Throw a football, a baseball, a Frisbee.  Meet a stranger; make them your friend (use good judgment).  Fall in love.  Build a fort.  Watch for shooting stars.  Write a love note.  Help a stranger with yard work.  Sing every Disney song you can remember.  Swing in a hammock.  Kiss deeply.  Swing on a tire swing.  Pick wildflowers.  Teach your child a new skill.  Make a friend who can teach you a new language.  Tell someone your favorite things about them.

    13. Remain True to YOU.
    It was Valentine’s Day of my high school freshman year when I signed “True Love Waits.”  I can’t recall if I understood the gravity of my signature or what I was committing to, but as I matured I realized I wanted this to be my covenant to God.  I want to honor My Lord, as well as my future husband with my purity.  Throughout the years I’ve encountered temptation, but had always been proud of my decision to wait.  It wasn’t until this past year (2013) that I experienced the emotion of hatred towards my own purity.  I felt the burden was too much to carry, I had my character insulted based solely on this one decision, I no longer wanted to remain pure.  This is where you can refer up to #9; tearfully I shared my heart with my best friends, as well as to God, and let me tell you, I was slapped with straight truth and tough love.  I had to address my insecurities and recognize that not everyone is going to agree with my decision, not everyone is going to understand my decision, not everyone is going to respect my decision, and some guys may break up with me for my decision, BUT I made this decision for myself, my God, and my husband.
    I want to share some words that encouraged my heart when I was struggling with my decision to wait, this was written by my favorite blogger Sara Bacon, author of Glitter and Grace I cling to the fact that I will be able to offer that part of myself as a gift to my husband someday. That my willingness to wait will hopefully show I can deny myself other temptations in life. And that I want to keep our marriage and relationship as new and pure as I can…As for this season of my life, it is God’s gentle voice that reminds me I am enough in His eyes, and that He has someone planned for me that is more than anything I could ask for or imagine and it is worth all the waiting in the world. Even when He has to tell me that every single day.” 

    Happy New Year, y'all!  Cheers to making 2014 the best year yet!
